Americans need a health-care home

 Americans need a health-care home

U.S. health care is headed in the wrong direction. The more people are treated only  specialists, the further we get from looking at the whole patient.

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A holistic approach is the only way to improve health. Americans need an opportunity to have a health-care home with a primary-care providers who looks at them more fully and encourages approaches to health and healing that go beyond pills and procedures

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In an ideal world, both primary care and specialists alike would support patients with medicine that understands the whole patient. In that world, payment systems would encourage providers and allow time to explore all of a patients’ questions and needs, reversing risk and promoting health so that lives and money are saved.

When to begin searching for home care help

As your loved one ages, watch for these signs. The behavior may be obvious or subtle, but they signal that it's time to talk to him or her about their living situation: 👉👉 click to access 

Changes in the condition of the home.

Forgetting appointments.

Driving unsafely.

Looking disheveled.

Forgetting things such as turning the stove off.

Wandering away from home.

Not eating regularly or nutritiously.

Not being able to prepare simple meals.

Not bathing regularly.

Falling frequently or having difficulty walking without help.

What do home health aides do?

Skilled home health aides should be able to do the following:

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Assist with activities of daily living including bathing, dressing, eating, grooming, moving from one place to another, going to the toilet and cleaning up afterward.

Check vital signs such as blood pressure, respiration and pulse.

Monitor a client including his or her physical and mental condition, level of exercise, as well as how much the client is eating, drinking and going to the bathroom.

Handle emergencies such as an accident, heart attack or stroke.

Home health aides do not provide services such as physical and occupational therapy or skilled nursing care, but they are often tasked with observing your loved one’s health, and reporting on conditions to a registered nurse or other health care professional.

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